FREE Student Subscription

If you want to live on the beach like Jimmy Buffett, you’ve got to invest like Warren Buffett!


For college students and Student Managed Investment programs.

I know how hungry students are to learn about investing which is why Student Managed Investment programs were invented. However, the problem with most universities and colleges is they do not adequately prepare students for the world of investing.

As a Doctor of business and finance and 40 years of stock market experience, I instituted the Student Managed Investment program at a university on (almost) the Atlantic Ocean in Florida. My students did so well, they embarrassed the board of directors who were made up mostly of active professional money managers in and around Palm Beach, Florida.

When I learned that Warren Buffett, the world’s greatest investor used the method I was researching for my Doctoral dissertation, I decided to go one step Beyond and write two books on this fascinating subject.

Here’s my deal with you so you can learn the methodology that I taught my students not so long ago and continue to teach to professionals and normal people alike.

I want you to buy ( or at least read my book, Buffett and Beyond 2nd Edition published by Wiley Publishing, and as long as you are enrolled in school, I will send to you FREE:

Why do you need to read the book? It is the basis of the (free) weekly video and the (free) computer program. It is a very easy read and it will set the structure for your investment future forever

  1. The Buffett and Beyond weekly video newsletter
  2. FREE access to my computer program which sports an 800 stock database.
  3. Free access to all of our tutorials which teach you how to invest using the Buffett and Beyond methodology based on my published Doctoral dissertation.

You have questions? I’m right on the other side of your email.

This information was the subject of my Doctoral dissertation which was then transformed into my books, Buffett and Beyond Ed 1 and 2. Not only is this subject based upon academic research, but it also works in real life just as well as the Doctoral dissertation research said it would. We have 13 years of actual portfolio results to show you what a great stock selection this is.

Remember, if you want to live at the beach like Jimmy Buffett, you’ve got to learn how to invest like Warren Buffett. Fill out the simple form and get started today.

There is one caveat: I want you to make this offer to 5 of your friends. You may not have 5 friends, but after you show them this free offer, you will be a hero. Remember, the world loves a hero.

I’ll see you at the beach sooner than you expect.

Respectfully Submitted,
Dr. Joseph Belmonte, DBA


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